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Optimal Binary Search Trees

Instead of hoping the incremental construction yields a shallow tree, we can construct the tree that minimizes the search time. We consider the common problem in which items have different probabilities to be the target of a search. For example,some words in the English dictionary are more commonly searched than others and are therefore assigned a higher probability. Let a1 < a 2 < . . . < an be the items and pi is the corresponding probabilities. To simplify the discussion, we only consider successful searches and thus assume nΣi=1   pi = 1. The expected number of comparisons for a successful search in a binary search tree T storing the n item is

1+ C(T) = n Σi=1   pi.(δi + 1)
    = 1 + nΣi=1   pii,

where δ i is the depth of the node that stores ai . C(T ) is the weighted path length or the cost of T . We study the problem of constructing a tree that minimizes the cost. To develop an example, let n = 3 and p1 = 2/1 , p2 =1/3, p3 =1/6 .

number of different binary trees with n nodes is 1/(n+1)(2nn)  n , which is exponential in n. This is far too large to try all possibilities, so we need to look for a more efficient way to construct an optimum tree.


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