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Knapsack Problem

Today we will try to apply the greedy method to solve one of the simply complex problem Knapsack Problem.

  • Given n objects and a Knapsack where object i has a weight wi and the Knapsack has a capasity m
  • If a fraction xi of object i placed into knapsack, a profit pixi is earned
  • The objective is to obtain a filling of Knapsack maximizing the total profit

Problem Formulation:

First Know the Greedy method control abstraction for the subset paradigm

For i: 1 to n do
x = Select(a);
if feasible(solution,x) then
solution = Union(solution,x)
return solution;

Let's consider a knapsack problem of finding the optimal solution here, M = 15, (p1,p2,p3,...p7) = (10,5,15,7,6,18,3) and (w1, w2,..w7) = (2,3,5,7,1,4,1).

Now we will find the solution by following "maximum profit per unit of capacity" Strategy:

Let (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) represent the items with profit (10,5,15,7,6,18,3).

This means that the objects are considered in deceasing order of the ratio P1/w1.

a: P1/w1 = 10/2 = 5;

b: P2/w2 = 5/3 = 1.66;

c: P3/w3 = 15/5 = 3

d: P4/w4 = 7/7 =1

e: P5/w5 = 6/1 = 6

f: P6/w6 = 18/4 = 4.5

g: P7/w7 = 3/1 = 3

Hence the sequence is (e,a,f,c,g,b,d)

Item chosen for inclusion Quantity of item included Remaining space in M PiXi
E 1 full unit 15-1 = 14 6*1 = 6
A1 full unit14-2 = 1210*1 = 10
F1 full unit12-4 = 818*1 = 18
C1 full unit8-5 =315*1 = 15
G1 full unit3-1 =23*1 =3
B2/32-2 =02/3*5=3.33

Profit = 55.33 units. The solution set is(1,2/3,10,1,1,1).


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